Oracle SQL case expression

The example below retrieves a sample list of employees, their job roles, and how many hours they have billed to a particular customer.

select e.emp_name, e.job_role, sum(b.hours) from employees e, billing b where e.emp_id=b.emp_id and b.customer_id=126 group by e.emp_name, e.job_role;

emp_name  job_role      sum(b.hours)
--------- ------------- ------------
Sandy     attorney      10
Bob       programmer    4
Jill      programmer    8
John      accountant    32
Barbara   secretary     20
Danny     proj manager  8

The company has a simple billing rule. Attorney hours are billed at $200 per hour, programmers at $100 per hour, accountants at $100 per hour, and all others at $25 per hour. We can use the case statement to help us derive how much to bill the customer.

select e.emp_name, e.job_role, sum(b.hours),  
case when job_role='attorney' then sum(b.hours)*200
  when job_role='programmer' then sum(b.hours)*100
  when job_role='accountant' then sum(b.hours)*100
  else charge=sum(b.hours)*25
end as charge
from employees e, billing b where e.emp_id=b.emp_id and b.customer_id=126 group by e.emp_name, e.job_role;

emp_name  job_role      sum(b.hours)  charge
--------- ------------- ------------- -------
Sandy     attorney      10            200
Bob       programmer    4             400
Jill      programmer    8             800
John      accountant    32            3200
Barbara   secretary     20            500
Danny     proj manager  8             200

Of course, this is just a hands-on illustration of the case expression in Oracle SQL. In real life, it is arguable that this type of business logic should probably be written elsewhere, perhaps with the base rates stored in a table, so that it can be easily modified if need be.

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