Checking admin share free space and folder space usage

The code to perform these two space checks is below, with the output file being generated in comma-delimited CSV format. When we use this, we need to first set a few configuration items in the first section.

  • outputFile : Enter the path and file name of the output report.
  • i : The number of items you wish to check; in the example, the number is 4 (2 drives and 2 folders)
  • arrayList(x, y) : These are the details of each drive/folder you wish to check…

The code is as follows:

option explicit
dim outputFile, arrayList, fso, obj, fl, j, drivepath, driveName, status, msg

' Where do you want to output the results to?
outputFile = "checkSpace.log"

' How many drives do you want to check for free space?
const i = 4
redim arrayList(i,5) 'Please do not touch this line.

' List the server drives you want to check for free space or folders to check for space usage
' Each set has 5 values:
' a. D=drive, F=folder
' b. server hostname
' c. admin share drive letter (applicable for type D only)
' d. warning level in gb
' e. alarm level in gb
' f. common name of this share

arrayList(0,0) = "D"
arrayList(0,1) = "web1"
arrayList(0,2) = "c"
arrayList(0,3) = 10
arrayList(0,4) = 5
arrayList(0,5) = "Windows 2003 web server, C-drive"

arrayList(1,0) = "D"
arrayList(1,1) = "exch2"
arrayList(1,2) = "d"
arrayList(1,3) = 200
arrayList(1,4) = 100
arrayList(1,5) = "Windows 2003 Exchange server, D-drive"

arrayList(2,0) = "F"
arrayList(2,1) = "\fileserverpublicfileShare1"
arrayList(2,2) = ""
arrayList(2,3) = 1
arrayList(2,4) = 2
arrayList(2,5) = "File share 1"

arrayList(3,0) = "F"
arrayList(3,1) = "\fileserverpublicfileShare2"
arrayList(3,2) = ""
arrayList(3,3) = 100
arrayList(3,4) = 200
arrayList(3,5) = "File share 2"

'''''''End Config'''''''''

set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fl = fso.CreateTextFile(outputFile, true)


j = 0
do while j <= i-1
	if arrayList(j,0) = "D" then
		drivepath = "\\" & arrayList(j,1) & "\" & arrayList(j,2) & "$"
		set obj = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(drivepath))
	elseif arrayList(j,0) = "F" then
		drivepath = arrayList(j,1)
		set obj = fso.GetFolder(drivepath)
		' shouldn't really get in here...
	end if
	driveName = arrayList(j,5)
	if arrayList(j,0) = "D" then
		if round(obj.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024) < arrayList(j,4) then
			status = "alarm"
			msg = drivepath & " (" & driveName & ") only has " & round(obj.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024) & "gb free"
			if round(obj.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024) < arrayList(j,3) then
				status = "warning"
				msg = drivepath & " (" & driveName & ") only has " & round(obj.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024) & "gb free"
				status = "ok"
				msg = drivepath & " (" & driveName & ") is ok with " & round(obj.FreeSpace/1024/1024/1024) & "gb free"
			end if
		end if
	elseif arrayList(j,0) = "F" then
		if round(obj.size/1024/1024/1024) > arrayList(j,4) then
			status = "alarm"
			msg = drivepath & " (" & driveName & ") has reached " & round(obj.size/1024/1024/1024) & "gb"
		elseif round(obj.size/1024/1024/1024) > arrayList(j,3) then
			status = "warning"
			msg = drivepath & " (" & driveName & ") has reached " & round(obj.size/1024/1024/1024) & "gb"
			status = "ok"
			msg = drivepath & " (" & driveName & ") is ok at " & round(obj.size/1024/1024/1024) & "gb used"
		end if
		status = "error"
		msg = "Configuration error"
	end if
	fl.writeline("""" & drivepath & """,""" & status & """,""" & msg & """")
	set obj = nothing
	j = j+1

set fl=nothing
set fso=nothing

The output CSV file should look something like this.

"\\web1\c$","ok","\\web1\c$ (Windows 2003 web server, C-drive) is ok with 10gb free"
"\\exch2\c$","alarm","\\exch2\c$ (Windows 2003 Exchange server, D-drive) only has 16gb free"
"\\fileserver\public\fileShare1","warning","\\fileserver\public\fileShare1 (File share 1) has reached 2gb"
"\\fileserver\public\fileShare2","ok","\\fileserver\public\fileShare2 (File sahre2) is ok at 91gb used"

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