To do so, follow the sample code shown below. To use the code as-is, just alter the configuration parameters by providing the from address, to address, subject, body, and SMTP server information. Optionally, you may also provide a path to a file that you want to attach to the email. Usually SMTP port number is 25; if you are unsure, leave this parameter untouched and it will probably work at the default value of 25.
option explicit dim fromAddress, toAddress, subj, body, smtp, attach, smtpPort ''''''''''''''''' ' Configuration ' ''''''''''''''''' ' Required parameters fromAddress = "my@email.address" ' The from email address toAddress = "recepient@email.address" ' The to email address subj = "Email Subject" ' The subject of the email body = "Put a message here!" ' The body message of the email smtp = "" ' Name of the SMTP server you wish to use ' Optional parameters attach = "c:filename.txt" ' Optional file you may wish to attach to the email smtpPort = 25 ' SMTP port used by your server, usually 25; if not provided, the script will default to 25 ''''''''''''''''''''' ' End Configuration ' ''''''''''''''''''''' if fromAddress = "" then msgbox("Error: From email address not defined") elseif toAddress = "" then msgbox("Error: To email address not defined") elseif subj = "" then msgbox("Error: Subject not defined") elseif body = "" then msgbox("Error: Body not defined") elseif smtp = "" then msgbox("Error: SMTP server not defined") else dim objMessage Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") objMessage.Subject = subj objMessage.From = fromAddress objMessage.To = toAddress objMessage.TextBody = body if attach <> "" then objMessage.AddAttachment attach end if objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 2 objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = smtp if smtpPort <> "" then objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = smtpPort else objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item ("") = 25 end if objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Update objMessage.Send msgbox("Email sent successfully") end if