Get image width and height with PHP

I was working on my World War II photo gallery recently. The gallery’s HTML code, particularly the main content section, looks something like the following.

<div id="content">
	<div class="main_column">
		<img decoding="async" src="images/helloWorld.jpg">
		The photograph and other "main content" goes here.
		The width of this column is 600px.

	<div class="extra_column">
		This is the vertical side bar.
		If the width of the photo in the main section is more
		than 600px, it will overlap this div.

Because my vertical navigation bar is on the right side of the page, if a photograph is larger than a particular width, it overlaps the vertical bar. I decided to remove the vertical bar if the photo is too large; let us assume that if the image width is larger than 580 pixels, it is too large. To apply the logic, I used the getimagesize() function. A quick example on this function is below.

list($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $imageType, $imageAttr) = getimagesize($imgName);
echo("The width of the image is ".$imageWidth." pixels.");
// Sample output: "The width of the image is 600 pixels."

I used the following PHP code to make my page work the way I want to based on width of the image.

<div id="content">
	$imgName = "helloWorld.jpg";

	list($imageWidth, $imageHeight, $imageType, $imageAttr) = getimagesize($imgName);

	if ($imageWidth <= 580) { ?>
		<div class="main_column">
	<?php } ?>

	<img decoding="async" src="images/helloWorld.jpg">
	The photograph and other "main content" goes here.

	<? if ($imageWidth <= 580) { ?>
		<div class="extra_column">
		This is the vertical side bar.
		Only show this if image width
		is 580 pixels or smaller.
	<?php } ?>

Beyond width, the getimagesize() function in PHP also outputs other properties; the output is an array containing four elements. As you may have noticed, in my above example, I captured the following properties.

  • 0 $imageWidth : Width of the image in pixels; integer.
  • 1 $imageHeight : Height of the image in pixels; integer.
  • 2 $imageType : Type of the image; integer. Possible values are as follows:
    Value Description
    TIFF (Intel)
    TIFF (Motorola)
    10  JP2
    11  JPX
    12  JB2
    13  SWC
    14  IFF
    15  WBMP
    16  XBM
  • 3 $imageAttr : HTML-formatted attributes; string. Example: ‘height=”600″ width=”400″‘

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