Display Oracle instance uptime

Please note that, this query makes use of a v$ table, thus keep in mind you must be logged in as a DBA.

select instance_name,to_char(startup_time,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') as startup_time from v$instance;

Your output should look something like that following:

---------------- -------------------
orcl01           08/03/2008 00:23:08

Remove unwanted line feeds in your data with Oracle SQL

To remove these line feeds that you do not need, you will need to make use of the chr() function built-in to Oracle, which allows you to find special ASCII characters. Consider the case that a product’s description may contain line feeds such as the following:

This is an amazing product.
It removes stains from your clothing, restoring crisp colors as if fresh from the store.
Buy it today!

    ,chr(10),' ') -- replace new lines with spaces
  ,chr(13),' ') -- replace carriage returns with spaces
,'  ',' ') as product_description -- cleans up double-spaces
from products
where product_id=1;

You should see that the line feeds are removed in the end result.

This is an amazing product. It removes stains from your clothing, restoring crisp colors as if fresh from the store. Buy it today!

Note that there is a replace() function that changes double-spaces to single-spaces. This may be needed because we may run into the case where there might be a trailing space at the end of a line, immediately before a line feed, which will become a double-space and may mess up your spacing slightly.

Export Oracle synonyms to text file

This is achieved by using the sys.dba_synonyms table, which means these queries must be done using an account with proper privileges. Note the output file has the extension .sql, which suggests that it can be run directly from SQL*Plus as part of an automated script, if necessary.

set linesize 256;
spool c:oracleSynonyms.sql;

select 'create or replace '|| decode(owner,'PUBLIC','public ',null) ||  
'synonym ' || decode(owner,'PUBLIC',null, lower(owner) || '.') ||  
lower(synonym_name) || ' for ' || lower(table_owner) || '.' || lower(table_name) || decode(db_link,null,null,'@'||db_link) || ';'
from sys.dba_synonyms 
order by owner, table_name;

spool off;

Export Oracle users to text file

This is achieved by using the sys.dba_users table, which means these queries must be done using an account with proper privileges. Beyond creation of users, the second SQL statement in the example below also generates account-locking commands for those users that are currently marked as locked. Finally, note the output file has the extension .sql, which suggests that it can be run directly from SQL*Plus as part of an automated script, if necessary.

set linesize 256;
spool c:oracleUsers.sql;

select 'create user '||username||' identified by values '||''''||password||''''||' 
default tablespace '||default_tablespace||' 
temporary tablespace '||temporary_tablespace||' 
quota unlimited on '||default_tablespace||' 
quota unlimited on '||temporary_tablespace||';' as "-- create_users"
from sys.dba_users 
where default_tablespace not in('SYSAUX','SYSTEM')
order by username;

select concat(concat('alter user ',du.username),' account lock;') as "--lock_users"
from sys.dba_users du
where du.account_status<>'OPEN'
and du.default_tablespace not in('SYSAUX','SYSTEM')
order by du.username;

spool off;

Manually deleting an Oracle 11g database

The following steps outlines how to manually delete a database within Oracle 11g, running in an Linux environment. I am currently running Oracle’s Enterprise Linux release 5 update 2.

  • Use SQL*Plus or your favorite SQL command line tool to log in to the target database; log in as sysdba
  • Issue the following commands to get the path to various files
    select name from v$datafile;
    select member from v$logfile;
    select name from v$controlfile;
    select name from v$tempfile;
  • Shut down the database within SQL*Plus, and then exit out of SQL*Plus
    shutdown immediate;
  • Stop the listener service by issuing the following command in the terminal prompt:
    lsnrctl stop
  • Recall the file paths found earlier; use them as a check list as you delete each one of those files. Reminder: did you back up your database yet? When ready, go ahead delete your data files, redo log files, control files, and temp files.
  • Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory and delete the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files
  • Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory and delete the init[db_name].ora, orapw[db_name], and spfile[db_name].ora files
  • Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/admin/[db_name]/pfile directory and delete the init[db_name].ora file
  • Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/admin/[db_name]/adump directory and delete all files in that directory
  • Edit the file /etc/oratab by removing the line that starts with your database name

Get dates corresponding to calendar week days in Oracle

To do so, we will make use of Oracle’s next_day() function. The sample code is as follows:

select next_day(sysdate-14,'SUNDAY') as week_start, next_day(sysdate-7,'SATURDAY') as week_end from dual;

Assuming the current date is 20 Aug 2008, the above code will return 10 Aug 2008 and 16 Aug 2008, reflecting that the previous calendar week is between Sunday the 10th and Saturday the 16th. Thus, your query to get records inserted in the previous calendar week may look something like the following.

select record_id, record_stuff, entry_date
from bunch_of_records
where entry_date between 
	next_day(sysdate-14,'SUNDAY') and 

Custom split() function in Oracle

The following function will take in a list, let’s say “AAA,BBB”, split them up to “AAA” and “BBB”, and allow the user to specify which one to return.

create or replace function split(input_list varchar2, ret_this_one number, delimiter varchar2)
return varchar2
	v_list varchar2(32767) := delimiter || input_list;
	start_position number;
	end_position number;
	start_position := instr(v_list, delimiter, 1, ret_this_one);
	if start_position > 0 then
		end_position := instr( v_list, delimiter, 1, ret_this_one + 1);
		if end_position = 0 then
			end_position := length(v_list) + 1; 
		end if;
		return(substr(v_list, start_position + 1, end_position - start_position - 1));
		return NULL;
	end if;
end split;
show errors;

In the previous listed example, we would run this function as follows.

select split('AAA,BBB',1,','); -- Returns AAA
select split('AAA,BBB',2,','); -- Returns BBB

Please note that the first index is 1, not 0.

This function is inspired and based on work done by Simon Baird and Francois Degrelle. Thanks Simon and Francois!

Drop columns in an Oracle table

The following example demonstrates how it could be done.

alter table schema1.my_table drop column unused_field;

There is also an alternative syntax that could be used to drop multiple fields at once.

alter table schema1.my_table drop (unused_field); -- Dropping one field only
alter table schema1.my_table drop (unused_field1, unused_field2); -- Dropping two fields

In the second example, if you need to drop more than two fields, just keep adding them within the parenthesis, separated by commas.

Custom is_number() and is_date() functions in Oracle

To do so, create this following two functions. The first function tests for numbers, and the second tests for dates. You should be sure to change the schema name to the correct value for your environment.

create or replace function schema1.is_number(in_var in varchar2)
return varchar2
  v_number number;
  select to_number(in_var) into v_number from dual;
  return 'Y'; -- No exception, so is a number
  when others then
  return 'N'; -- is not a number

create or replace function schema1.is_date(in_var in varchar2, in_format in varchar2)
return varchar2
  v_date date;
  select to_date(in_var, in_format) into v_date from dual;
  return 'Y'; -- No exception, so is a number
  when others then
  return 'N'; -- is not a number

Below are two samples on how to use our newly created is_number() function.

select schema1.is_number('pete') from dual;
select schema1.is_number(123) from dual;

The first query will result “N” because “pete” is not a number. The second query will return “Y”.

Below are four samples on how to use our newly created is_date() function.

select schema1.is_date('pete','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual;
select schema1.is_date('2-MAY-2008','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual;
select schema1.is_date('05/99/2008','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual;
select schema1.is_date('05/02/2008','mm/dd/yyyy') from dual;

The first query will result “N” because “pete” is not a date. The second also returns “N” because the date entered does not conform to the format specified. The third also will return “N” because the date, although formatted correctly, is not a valid date. Finally, we will have “Y” for the last test.

Oracle SQL case expression

The example below retrieves a sample list of employees, their job roles, and how many hours they have billed to a particular customer.

select e.emp_name, e.job_role, sum(b.hours) from employees e, billing b where e.emp_id=b.emp_id and b.customer_id=126 group by e.emp_name, e.job_role;

emp_name  job_role      sum(b.hours)
--------- ------------- ------------
Sandy     attorney      10
Bob       programmer    4
Jill      programmer    8
John      accountant    32
Barbara   secretary     20
Danny     proj manager  8

The company has a simple billing rule. Attorney hours are billed at $200 per hour, programmers at $100 per hour, accountants at $100 per hour, and all others at $25 per hour. We can use the case statement to help us derive how much to bill the customer.

select e.emp_name, e.job_role, sum(b.hours),  
case when job_role='attorney' then sum(b.hours)*200
  when job_role='programmer' then sum(b.hours)*100
  when job_role='accountant' then sum(b.hours)*100
  else charge=sum(b.hours)*25
end as charge
from employees e, billing b where e.emp_id=b.emp_id and b.customer_id=126 group by e.emp_name, e.job_role;

emp_name  job_role      sum(b.hours)  charge
--------- ------------- ------------- -------
Sandy     attorney      10            200
Bob       programmer    4             400
Jill      programmer    8             800
John      accountant    32            3200
Barbara   secretary     20            500
Danny     proj manager  8             200

Of course, this is just a hands-on illustration of the case expression in Oracle SQL. In real life, it is arguable that this type of business logic should probably be written elsewhere, perhaps with the base rates stored in a table, so that it can be easily modified if need be.