To start off, check out the setup section somewhat near the top. They should be fairly explanatory, with the only potentially tricky one being the “ouList” variable, which holds a list of Organization Units whose users you which to see in your report; it should be a tilde (“~”) delimited string. Some examples:
Compare example 1 and example 2; because the code is not meant to go into deeper levels, “ou=contractors” will only check for user objects at that particular level only. To include the nested OU “engineers”, it must be explicitly listed, such as in example 2.
The full sample is below:
' Description: Makes a CSV listing of password expiration status
' Author: C. Peter Chen,
' Revision History:
' 1.0 20080318 Original concept written
' 1.0.1 20080319 Added column headings in the output
' Added "excludeNoOu" switch to exclude objects
' not in an Organizational Unit as a possible
' way to exclude system objects like IWAM and
' IUSR from output.
' 1.0.2 20080325 Added the "ouList" delimited string the
' restriction of specific OUs to show up in
' the report.
' Added "debugMode" switch
option explicit
dim maxPwdAge, warningThreshold, ad, outputPath, outputFileName, keepDailyOutput, excludeNoOu, ouList, debugMode
' Some Setup '
maxPwdAge = 45 ' What is the maximum age (in days) of passwords in your domain?
warningThreshold = 10 ' The report will show warning (almost expired) status if expiration is within this many days.
ad = "dc=domain,dc=com" ' What is your domain? Example format: "dc=domainname,dc=com"
outputPath = "\\share\folder\" ' The path for the output CSV report with slash at the end; examples: "c:\", "c:\reports\", "\\fileshare\folder\"
outputFileName = "reportName" ' The file name of the output CSV report; no need for ".csv" at the end
keepDailyOutput = "N" ' Valid values include Y or N. If Y, a new report will be created each time with file name format "filenameYYYY-MM-DD-HH24-MI.csv"; if N, each day's report will overwrite the previous day's as "filename.csv".
excludeNoOu = "Y" ' Valid values include Y or N. If Y, objects not in an Organizational Unit will not appear in the report; it maybe a way to exclude system objects like IWAM and IUSR.
' ouList is a list of OUs, delimited by tilde ("~"), whose users will appear in the report
' Sample: "ou=sales,ou=fulltimers~ou=engineers,ou=contractors"
ouList = "ou=sales,ou=fulltimers~ou=engineers,ou=contractors"
debugMode = "N" ' If Y, any encountered errors will pop up on screen and a pop up will appear when the script completes
' End Setup '
' Constants '
' Functions '
dim i, foundUser
function getAdObject (strUserFullName, ad, ouListArray)
On Error Resume Next
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://cn=" & strUserFullName & "," & ouListArray(0) & "," & ad)
if err.number <> 0 then
foundUser = "N"
i = 1 ' Yes, start at the second one...
do while i <= UBound(ouListArray)
if err.number = -2147016656 then
foundUser = "N"
Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://cn=" & strUserFullName & "," & ouListArray(i) & "," & ad)
foundUser = "Y"
exit do
end if
i = i + 1
foundUser = "Y"
end if
if err.number <> 0 and foundUser = "Y" then
exit function
getAdObject = objUser
exit function
end if
end function
' The Main Part of the Script '
dim fso, f, objConnection, objCommand, objRecordSet, intUAC, objUser, dtmValue, intTimeInterval
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if keepDailyOutput="Y" then
filedate=year(now) & "-" & month(now) & "-" & day(now) & "-" & hour(now) & "-" & minute(now)
set f = fso.createtextfile(outputPath & outputFileName & filedate & ".csv")
set f = fso.createtextfile(outputPath & outputFileName & ".csv")
end if
f.writeline("""User Name"",""Password Status"",""Password Age (Days)"",""LDAP Distinguished Name""")
Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open "Provider=ADsDSOObject;"
Set objCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
objCommand.CommandText = ";(objectCategory=User);userAccountControl,distinguishedName,name;subtree"
Set objRecordSet = objCommand.Execute
dim ouListArray
ouListArray = split(ouList,"~",-1,1)
Do Until objRecordset.EOF
if (excludeNoOu = "Y" and instr(objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName"),"OU=") = 0) then ' Do not show user not in an OU; this may exclude system users like IWAM and IUSR
' Do nothing and skip this user
If intUAC AND ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD Then ' Password never expires for this user
on error resume next
set objUser = nothing
getAdObject objRecordset.Fields("name"), ad, ouListArray
dtmValue = objUser.PasswordLastChanged ' Just to test if error occurs
if err.number = 0 then
f.writeline("""" & objRecordset.Fields("name") & """,""never expire"","""",""" & objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName") & """")
else ' Error encountered...
if debugMode = "Y" then
msgbox(objRecordset.Fields("name") & "error. err.number='" & err.number & "', err.description='" & err.description & "'")
' Not in debug mode, so we suppress the error and do nothing
end if
end if
else ' Password will expire for this user
set objUser = nothing
getAdObject objRecordset.Fields("name"), ad, ouListArray
if not (objUser is nothing) then
if objUser.AccountDisabled = false then ' show ENABLED users only
on error resume next
dtmValue = objUser.PasswordLastChanged
if err.number = 0 then
intTimeInterval = int(now - dtmValue)
if intTimeInterval >= maxPwdAge then
f.writeline("""" & objRecordset.Fields("name") & """,""expired"","""& intTimeInterval & """,""" & objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName") & """")
elseif intTimeInterval >= (maxPwdAge - warningThreshold) then
f.writeline("""" & objRecordset.Fields("name") & """,""expiring soon"","""& intTimeInterval & """,""" & objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName") & """")
f.writeline("""" & objRecordset.Fields("name") & """,""ok"","""& intTimeInterval & """,""" & objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName") & """")
end if
else ' This user's password is set to force-change at next logon
'if <> "" then ' We still need to make sure this user is in the list of OUs we want to check
f.writeline("""" & objRecordset.Fields("name") & """,""forced to change at next logon"","" "",""" & objRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName") & """")
'end if
end if
' Do nothing for DISABLED users
end if
' Do nothing for users not found; probably in a different OU then specified.
end if
end if
end if
if debugMode = "Y" then
msgbox("AD user password expiration script completed. Report = " & outputPath & outputFileName & ".csv")
end if